Saturday, May 17, 2014

Friday, May 16, 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mary Kay Makeover Day

Contact me to join the party!

Wedding Look

I used the following color combination look on the bride and the bridesmaids at a wedding I worked this past year.  The foundation shades differed from person-to-person which allowed for the colors to stand out just a bit differently on each face.  I love these colors together, and it made it very simple and stress-free to do each face with the same combination knowing that each would provide a different result.  It too still allowed for the bride to have her own unique look.

Mary Kay® Mineral Eye Color in Amber Blaze

Mary Kay® Mineral Eye Color in Honey Spice

Mary Kay® Cream Eye Color in Violet Storm

Mary Kay® Mineral Cheek Color in Sparkling Cider

Mary Kay® NouriShine Plus® Lip Gloss in Fancy Nancy